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Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Final Book - Come To Your Senses

Open publication - Free publishing

Above is a copy of the final book, titled 'Come To Your Senses'. (front cover not shown). The title chosen to represent the underlying theme throughout the book, which is the heightened sense of values we as a culture are experiencing through are growing climate. Interaction, attention and communication are the key notions expressed throughout the book.
This has been represented in a clean and simplistic layout with clear and concise text. Relevant sourced images and enlightening quotes have been included within my own images which add to the overall theme portrayed.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Final Evaluation

The stages in which the project has developed has benefited me in learning to have a more conceptual way of thinking and the ability to experiment with thoughts and ideas. I aim to take this with me in my final year project as this has helped me to identify one of the main aims of producing a trend book which is to not only have fashion inspired forecasts but a unique concept and purpose behind each theme.

The main progression I have undergone with the project, aside from improved experimentation, is my writing skills and illustrations. Previously I have felt analysing of trends and descriptive wording to be challenging. As I have had this experience and opportunity to create my own concepts behind each theme and really test my imagination within the project, descriptive wording has continued to flow in introductions and explanations which has provided me with the confidence to express my ideas further.

I can see a clear progression with the illustrations, specifically with shading and detail, between my previous book. This is something that I will continue to experiment and develop with difference poses and attention to detail with areas particularly hard such as faces and hands.

The area I feel I have learnt a new skill set in is within photography, both with general mood and colour inspiration, photo shoots and styling. Using my own limited skills to undergo all the aspects of the photo shoots was a risk but as something I previously hadn't had any experience in, I wanted to take this opportunity and test of my create skills with the camera and styling to ultimately see if this is another area I am 
open to within career choices.

I have particularly enjoyed the freedom of exploring varied locations with a camera, which is something I have begun to find fascinating, how your creative mind can see, interpret and develop everyday sights and feels to gather inspiration. I aim to continue to use this method to gather ideas for future design projects.

Each tutorial was beneficial in providing me with further enlightenment and areas to explore and develop. With this, the project underwent various modifications, including experimenting with conceptual ideas surrounding each hand made accessory which became an integral part of the project. This required an increased level of concentration, which as a result left areas which have not been included within the book, such as a pocket size guide to cities of fashion outlining latest openings of independent retailers. I was also not able to include a short film of ‘deleted scenes’ to show an element of preparation for the photo shoots. This was an area which I would like to improve with future projects, the ability to manage time and adapt to include all areas previously highlighted.

I am pleased with the outcome of the book and feel this is something I will include in my portfolio to present to potential employers. The project has overall given me new direction and increased focus on areas that were not shown, such as digital focus specifically within fashion film, which I will endeavour to explore. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Theme 4 of 4 - Connection

Fashion taken from the 'Spanish Sahara' mood board, this shoot represents connection. The concept behind the shoot was the bracelet that translates your hand gestures and sends the information to your social network provider. The overall theme represents a very confident and futuristic vibe. 

The poses I think show this well in the strong stances, arm movements and hand signals. The image below I think works the best with the way the model is between the poles that could be seen as connecting molecules. 

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Balance illustrations

Each illustration has been drawn from inspiration taken from the linking trend mood board. This specific trend has been taken from the 'Moment of Clarity' mood board.

I've used a similar style from my previous trend book with my fashion illustrations. I like the fact they represent the real women shape and have a comic quirky vibe about them. This seem's to be the style I have created over the last few months, with my original inspiration drawn from the Peclers fashion illustrations. 
Within this book I wanted to add generally more detail, especially with shading and different styles of poses. I'm really happy with the progress I've made with the drawing, as at the beginning of the year I was have trouble joining simple lines. I'm pleased with the detail in shading, and I can definitely see a difference from the previous drawings. I aim to continue to experiment over the Summer, especially with poses as I feel more complex poses would improve them.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Leonardo Di Vinci inspiration

From speaking with Anya she has suggested I take inspiration from Leonardo Di Vinci's drawings from his journals, and create similar style drawings of the objects I have made in my book. I think it will be a good contrast within the book to have hand drawing with some possible wording next to these detailing the materials. I also would like to add some more basic drawings similar to working sketches of garments, using illustrator of the objects as well.

The images above were taken from the fashion and footwear design studio we visited in Prague. These are exactly what I had in mind for the pages introducing the accessories I've made. I wanted it to be simple, with contrast between photos and drawings cleared presented on the page. I really like the drawings this particular student has done, especially the second image, very Leonardo Di Vinci I think. 

Photos from today..

These are some possible photos taken today at Old Harry Rocks, which I thought I could add within my trend book. I really like the colours and think 1 or 2 could added within one of my mood boards, possible the memories theme as it links in well with the colours and mood.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Theme 3 of 4 - Memories

I feel this photo shoot worked conceptually best and links in well with the mood board (weather to fly). I think the use of props really helped and aided what I was trying to achieve. Polariods were used to represent 'memories', which were held within a plastic hoop, similarly to the brooch, scent is seen as memories held within the brooch and then released. 

The photo below represent the releasing of memories (scent), which captures it well. 

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Theme 2 of 4 - Ambition

My second shoot was taken at Meyrick Park. The overall theme of the shoot was to represent a strong ambitious nature and earthy ethnic habitat. Using DIY forest inspired headpieces and simple casual white and denim clothing, I think provides a good contrast with colours and the overall trend. 

This was the hardest photo shoot as I had struggled finding inspiration for poses to represent ambition, so I had left it until we were there to improvise with the surroundings. Many of the poses involved plenty of arm movement and reaching up which worked well. 

The photo below I think represents the idea of the theme best.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Theme 1 of 4 - Balance

My photo shoot consisted of myself as the photographer and my twin sister as the model. Being fairly amateur, I wanted the idea's behind the shoots to really show through. I've undergone 4 separate shoots to represent the 4 separate themes of Balance, Ambition, Memories and Connection. Each one uses DIY clothing and materials.

The below shoot wasn't originally going to be in my sisters back garden but wanting each backdrop different to the other, I thought the simplicity of it could work well. Balance, being the theme I have tried to incorporate a sense of this through the photos. As you can see with the below photo, the model is balanced both between the palm and mirror and the two chimneys above the fence. This is shown in a simple way but I think it works well, as well as holding the balance mobile. 

The clothes have been made with tied sheets of white fabric, a shirt and neck tie and vest layers.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Ambition (3)

The objects below have been designed to represent ambition. Three versions have been made to help decide which one works best. The object has been made in the form of a pendant. The concept behind the plant within the pendant, is that it grows once ambitions have been succeeded. Each leaf represents an achieved goal.